Tinytag radio system provides automatic temperature and relative humidity monitoring using wireless communication. The system consists of a receiver connected to a PC and a number of radio loggers forming a mesh network.
Tinytag Radio Receivers
The Tinytag Radio receivers manage the flow of data received from the loggers to the computer running the radio gateway. The receiver is normally powered by the computer it is connected to via the USB cable. However in the event of the computer being off or during a power failure, a backup battery will provide the receiver with power.
TinyTag Loggers
Tinytag loggers collect data and transmit it back to the radio gateway. When turned on, the loggers automatically find their place in the radio network and work out the best path to get information back to a receiver. The logger will store data locally in times where it cannot communicate with the receiver. Once communication channels are re-stored all data is transmitted from the logger to the receiver.
Tinytag Radio Logger Models:
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