HardyDisk™ Anaerobic Differentiation Disks (also referred to as "special-potency disks") are used to verify gram stain reactions of anaerobic bacteria, and are especially helpful with certain clostridia that tend to stain gram-negative. They are useful in separating anaerobic, gram-negative bacilli into several groups, aiding in their presumptive identification. These disks can also differentiate Fusobacterium species from other true gram-negative bacilli.
Special-potency antimicrobial disks of colistin, kanamycin, and vancomycin can be used as an aid in clarifying gram stain reaction of anaerobes, and in preliminary grouping of anaerobic gram-negative bacilli. In general, gram-positive organisms are resistant to colistin and susceptible to vancomycin, while most gram-negative organisms are resistant to vancomycin. Most anaerobes have a characteristic susceptibility pattern to these special-potency, high concentration disks. Therefore, most clinically significant anaerobic gram-negative rods can be separated into broad groups, based on relatively few tests. For example, the B. fragilis group and Porphyromonas species can be presumptively identified by their disk patterns and a few other simple tests (such as; indole, catalase, esculin, etc.). The use of these anitbiotic susceptibility patterns to aid in the identification of anaerobic bacteria was first reported in 1967 by Finegold, et al. In this study, high concentration disks were used to differentiate between the main groups of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. It was determined that the susceptibility tests were rapid and easy to perform. Complete identification of anaerobes can be costly, and often requires various biochemical tests, GLC (gas liquid chromatography), etc. Many clinical labs do not perform complete identification of anaerobes, since presumptive identification can be just as useful in determining the appropriate therapy.(3) HardyDisk™ Anaerobic Differentiation Disks are helpful in the presumptive identification of these organisms. Due to the high concentrations of these antibiotics, these disks are not intended for use in determining antibiotic susceptibility for therapeutic purposes.
Each HardyDisk™ Anaerobic Differentiation Disk is prepared by impregnating the below specified concentration of the appropriate antibiotic onto a 6mm diameter high quality filter paper disk.
Cat. no. HDZ8411 Colistin 50 disks/cart
Cat. no. HDZ7191 Kanamycin 50 disks/cart
Cat. no. HDZ7501 Vancomycin 50 disks/cart
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