Laarmann is a leading manufacturer of sieve shakers & sieves.
Each test sieve is carefully packaged along with a Certificate of Conformity and Record Card. Each sieve is laser engraved with a unique serial number for quality tracking. All Laarmann 200mm (50mm height), 300mm (75mm height) test sieves are manufactured with a unique safety edge.
Woven Wire Mesh Sieves
200 and 300mm diameter woven sieves. Other sizes also available non-standard are 100, 150, 315 mm, 400 mm, 450 mm. They are manufactured from grade 304 stainless steel. The tension of the sieve fabric is guaranteed durable and well joined to the sieve frame. Sizes available in stock include:
3.35mm, 1.7mm, 600μm, 212μm
2.36mm, 1.18mm, 425μm, 150μm
2mm, 850μm, 300μm, 75μm
Perforated Plate Sieves
200 and 300mm diameter perforated plate sieves whichare manufactured with stainless steel bodies and mild steel plates. These are only stocked as square holes although round holes are available on special order. Available aperture sizes in stock are:
75mm, 26.5mm, 13.2mm, 8mm,
53mm, 19mm, 11.2mm, 6.7mm
37.5mm, 16mm, 9.5mm, 4.75mm
Pan and Cover
Durable pans and covers are available for delivery with all the sieves stocked.
Washing Sieves
75 μm, wet washing sieve are available in 200 and 300mm diameter. They are 200mm in height.
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