Microscopic detection of fecal fat due to malabsorbtion.

Hardy Diagnostics Sudan Black IV Stain is recommended for use in microscopic detection of fecal fat due to malabsorbtion.


Sudan Black IV Stain, also known as scarlet red, was introduced by Michaelis in 1901 as a fat stain. It is a dimethyl derivative of Sudan III, which makes it a deeper and more intense stain, yet it has similar physical properties and is fat soluble. This stain has been widely used as a screening method because it is easy to use, and correlates well with quantitative methods.

Sudan Black IV Stain is used as a qualitative method to detect the presence of fecal fat. Normally the stool will not contain more than 20 grams of fat daily. In the case of steatorrhea, fat malabsorbtion occurs, and greater quantities of fat are detected in the stool. This procedure, when performed carefully and consistently, is a simple method of detecting this condition in the patient.


Place a small aliquot of stool suspension on a clean glass slide. Mix two drops of 95% ethanol with the suspension on the slide. Add two drops of Sudan Black IV Stain to the suspension on the slide and mix well. Cover the suspension with a coverslip and examine microscopically for the presence of large orange or red droplets.


Neutral fats appear as large orange or red droplets. If 60 or more stained droplets (neutral fats) are seen per 400X (high power) field, then it is a presumptive finding that the patient has steatorrhea.

It is recommended that positive controls be run in parallel with patient specimens and that results from this staining procedure be reported only if positive control smears are acceptable.

Fatty acids are present as lightly staining flakes or "needle-like" crystals that do not stain. Soaps will appear as non-staining formless flakes, coarse crystals, or rounded masses.


Cat. no. HDZ83

 Size: 15mL


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