SwabSure Environmental Swabs

SwabSURE Pathogen Detection Kit




SwabSURE Pathogen Detection Kits are intended for the detection of important food pathogens on food contact surfaces in food handling and manufacturing environments where regular disinfecting/sanitising is performed. Routine sampling for pathogens is a fundamental part of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and essential for adhering to a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) plan.

  • Simple and safe to use
  • Easy to read colour change
  • Sensitive < 5 cfu/swab
  • ISO 18593:2018 compliant
  • Results in 18-48 hours
  • Pre-moistened swabs for optimised recovery
  • Neutralising buffer to neutralise Sanitiser & Detergent residues


Technical Service Consultants Ltd has released the SwabSURE Pathogen Detection Kits for the detection of important food-borne pathogens (Listeria spp, E.coli & Coliforms and Salmonella spp.) from work surfaces and manufacturing equipment in food handling and manufacturing environments. The pathogen detection kit consists of two units; a pre-moistened swab, which has the benefit of neutralising the effects of cleaning solutions and improving bacteria recovery from dry surfaces; and a highly specific and sensitive detection media which gives results by providing a clear visual colour change in 18-24 hours for E.coli & Coliforms and Salmonella spp. and 24-48 hours for Listeria spp. if specific organisms are present on surfaces. The kits come complete, containing both the collection swab and the detection tube.

Listeria spp:


Salmonella spp.


E.coli & Coliform:

Reading E.coli Coliform V2



SwabSURE Brochure

SwabSURE Technical Information


SwabSURE Listeria

SwabSURE Salmonella

SwabSURE E.coli & Coliforms


Ordering Details:

SwabSURE Listeria Kit (100)                                              TSC-SSL02

SwabSURE Listeria Kit (25)                                                TSC-SSL02-25

SwabSURE Salmonella Kit (100)                                        TSC-SSL03

SwabSURE Salmonella Kit (25)                                          TSC-SSL03-25

SwabSURE E.coli & Coliform Kit (100)                               TSC-SSL04

SwabSURE E.coli & Coliform Kit (25)                                 TSC-SSL04-25






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