This new fluorescent technique for staining of Acid Fast organisms in tissue and smears.

Rapid detection method for Mycobacteria, Cryptosporidia, Isospora, Nocardia & Cyclospora in smears

This fluorescent technique for documentation of Acid Fast organisms in tissue and smears is both rapid and specific. AcriFluor stains all acid fast organisms so that you can fi nd them easily. Whether you have Cryptosporidia, Nocardia & Isospora in stool, Nocardia in tissue, or Mycobacteria in sputum, the  organisms simply light up on the slide. A single organism is easy to fi nd. This non-antibody technique is extremely cost effective. The procedure takes less than twenty minutes to perform. One kit will enable you to do hundreds of assays. The kit comes with one 125ml bottle of AcriFluor and one 125ml bottle of Decolorizer. SDL’s printed TB slides make a valuable addition to the stain.


Cat No. SD 384 AcriFluor Stain Kit 125ml bottles

Cat No. SD 041-0120 TB Slides priced per gross (Min order 5 gross)




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